Quiz 44 – Series 4 – Great for a Pub Quiz

Quiz 44 – Series 4 – Great for a Pub Quiz

1 MICE WINE METHOD (anagram of a TV series) -- Come Dine With Me
2 Which European head of state wears a crown but is not a monarch -- The Pope
3 As bulls are colour blind why do matadors use red capes -- To hide bloodstains
4 Which famous red wine from France means New Castle of the Pope -- Chateauneuf du Pape
5 What was PLUTO in WW2 -- Pipeline Under The Ocean
6 What nationality is snooker player Cliff Thorburn -- Canadian
7 By what name did the Willy's Overland General Purpose US Army Vehicle become commonly known -- The Jeep
8 Which resort has the most piers Blackpool or Great Yarmouth -- Blackpool 3 Yarmouth 2
9 In the Pied Piper of Hamelin where did the rats make their nests -- Inside men's Sunday hats
10 Who played Dennis Finch Hatton in the film Out of Africa -- Robert Redford
11 What is the more common name for the condition of periorbital haematoma -- Black eye
12 Many pubs are called The Turks Head but what in nautical terms is a Turk's head -- Knot
13 What is the highest title in the Shi'ite sect of Islam -- Ayatollah
14 Which fifties military TV sitcom was set in hut 29 of the Surplus Ordnance Depot Nether Hopping -- The Army Game
15 In the film industry what is the job of the Key Grip -- Key grip is responsible for non-electrical lighting supports
16 What is the name of Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer who had to resign in April 2020 -- Dr. Catherine Calderwood
17 Off which English county does the dangerous reef known as the Manacle Rocks lie -- Cornwall
18 What was Lloyd George describing when he said 500 men chosen accidentally from the unemployed -- House of Lords
19 Who had a UK number one in 2013 with One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks) -- One Direction
20 Before becoming president, of which state was George W Bush the Governor -- Texas

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