Quiz 4 FREE - Site Update and the extra 'S'
In just a matter of a few days I have got the website back online and fully functioning
I hope you are enjoying using Quiz 4 FREE in it's new format. You are welcome to let me know what you think about the new format. I would love to hear from you.
I still have much to do to get the site back to it's former glory and will be adding more content on a regular basis.
For those who don't know, Quiz 4 FREE goes back around 30 years and was designed using a now obsolete 'WYSIWYG' editor. (What you see is what you get!)
Unfortunately, a few years ago, the 'program' (App to the younger viewers) I was using to build my sites, stopped working properly and was no longer being supported by the company that made it. On top of that Google decided that websites that didn't have the extra 'S' (https rather than http) would be downgraded in the search engine rankings.
Not being a 'techy' I struggled to figure out how to get my sites secure (with the extra 'S'). Then I found out that by using WordPress to build websites made it a simple task to make the sites secure and also made building websites much easier.
Several of my websites are now using the WordPress system and the others will follow as time allows.
It was frightening to think that I may lose my websites after all these years but by studying the new technology I can now continue offering FREE quizzes for the foreseeable future.
Best regards
Jim Ackroyd