Joe Donnelly Quiz 3 - Great for a Pub Quiz
Joe has been writing quizzes for around thirty years. Here's some of his work. Enjoy:
Round 1
1 In May 2009 Scotland began a 5yr. trial of introducing which animal to the wild? Beaver
2 What has a orbital period of between 75 and 76 years? Halley’s Comet
3 The first electronic mail was sent in which decade? 70s (1971)
4 What is the name of the Underground station featured in Eastenders? Walford East
5 In what year did decimal coinage begin in the UK? 1971
6 What body of water connects Europe with the Far East? Red Sea
7 Which British monarch was crowned when she was 19? Victoria
8 What is the name of the only town in Guernsey? St Peters Port
9 Which chocolate bar allegedly had a hazelnut in every bite? Topic
10 A Midsummer’s Nights Dream was set on the outskirts of which European Capitol? Athens
Round 2
1 On what island can you find Peel Castle? Isle Of Man
2 What is the main alcohol in a Casablanca cocktail? Rum
3 What is the 2nd largest planet in our solar system both by mass and size? Saturn
4 Which of these is a city Ripon Reading or Rotherham? Ripon
5 What is the anagram of HAT BROTHER? Heartthrob
6 What sort of creature is a Hoopoe? Bird
7 A wishbone in my pocket, a rabbit's foot around my neck come from what song? Big Hunk of Love
8 In old LSD how many pennies where in a Florin? 24
9 When M.O.T, testing began in Britain in 1960 how old did the vehicle have to be? 10 Years or More
10 What is the official language of Honduras? Spanish