Quiz 3 – Badly Described Films – Mobocurt

Quiz 3 - Badly Described Films

Badly Described Films - Just name the movie
Answers Below

1 Half-fish, half-woman sells vocal chords to kiss random bloke
2 A boy befriends a bearded hermit and two gay robots, goes into space,
snogs his sister, and kills his dad
3 Bloke punches himself. Encourages others to punch him. Leaves his job.
Shaves his head. Bad influence on Meatloaf
4 Reclusive weirdo and his mutant employees lure children into his factory with sweets
then dispose of them one by one
5 A very old looking teenage girl wears hotpants & learns to smoke to win
her boyfriend back. Then they sing
6 Innocent staff turned into teapot, clock & candlestick rely on Stockholm Syndrome
to save themselves & loved ones
7 Man buys Furby from China Town, Furby gets wet and breeds lizards, lizards destroy city
8 Old man with balloons abducts young boy after his wife leaves him. There's a dog involved
9 A large iceberg's peaceful, calm life comes to an abrupt end as large ship collides with it
10 Two tiny blokes take three long films to return a piece of unwanted jewellery
11 Hockey player falls into a lake, finds a machete, harshly reprimands teens for hooking up
12 Cross-dressing hotelier loves his mother


  1. The Little Mermaid
  2. Star Wars
  3. Fight Club
  4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  5. Grease
  6. Beauty and the Beast
  7. Gremlins
  8. Up
  9. Titanic
  10. The Lord of the Rings
  11. Friday the 13th
  12. Psycho
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