Series 1 Quizzes 11 to 20

Series 1 Quizzes 11 to 20 - Great for a Pub Quiz

Remember to check the answers with another source! When compiling large numbers of questions, mistakes can and sometimes do happen. * Tip: A quick way to check the questions and/or answers is to use Google.

Quiz 11

1. How many minutes of play are in an American football match? 60

2. Which company produces the computer operating system Windows? Microsoft

3. Which novel, first published in 1719, is based on the real-life exploits of Alexander Selkirk? Robinson Crusoe

4. What is the deepest lake in the world, with depths over 1,600 metres? Lake Baikal, Russia, is the deepest lake in the world. It is also the largest freshwater lake by volume. It holds approximately 20 percent of the world's total surface fresh water

5. Complete this advertising slogan "Murraymints, Murraymints..."? Too good to hurry mints

6. Which country's flag consists of just the colour green? Libya

7. Who played Vivien in the BBC comedy The Young Ones? Adrian Edmondson

8. In which European country is Transylvania? Romania

9. Who wrote the novel Jurassic Park, which the Spielberg film was based on? Michael Crichton

10. What is the square root of 121? 11

11. How many dimes are in a US dollar? 10

12. What is the chemical symbol for Gold? Au

13. Which television character has the car registration plate FAB1? Lady Penelope

14. Which king was killed at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485? Richard III

15. Who composed the ballets "The Nutcracker" and "Swan Lake"? Peter Tchaikovsky

16. If you suffered from 'arachnophobia', what would you have an irrational fear of? Spiders

17. What city does Sugar Loaf mountain overlook? Rio de Janeiro

18. Which gas is the most abundant in air, making up over 77%? Nitrogen

19. What were the names of the three ships Christopher Columbus led, in his discovery of the Americas in 1492? Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina

20. Which of William Shakespeares' plays has the most lines? Hamlet

Quiz 12

Questions part 1

1. Which group had a 1964 Top Ten hit with 'Tobacco Road'?
2. In which city are the Tivoli Gardens?
3. Who wrote the poem 'Ode to a Nightingale'?
4. In the stories of Winnie the Pooh, what kind of animal is Eeyore?
5. In which Australian state was Ned Kelly hanged in 1880?
6. Which big cat has the loudest roar?
7. Which English football team began playing their home matches at Gresty Road in 1898 and are nicknamed 'The Railway Men'?
8. Which Scottish leader was defeated in 1298 at the Battle of Falkirk?
9. The explorer Abel Tasman gave his name to the island of Tasmania - but what nationality was he?
10. Which basketball player was married to the actress Carmen Electra, and once wore a wedding dress at a public appearance to promote his autobiography?

Answers part 1

1. Nashville Teens
2. Copenhagen
3. John Keats
4. Donkey
5. Victoria
6. Lion
7. Crewe Alexandra
8. William Wallace
9. Dutch
10. Dennis Rodman

Questions part 2

1. In which year did Mars rebrand the Marathon chocolate bar as Snickers in the UK?
2. What is the capital city of Albania?
3. Who was Australia's longest-serving Prime Minister?
4. Who had a 1972 No. 1 titled 'Vincent'?
5. Who wrote the book 'The Color Purple', which was also made into a film by Steven Spielberg?
6. What nationality was the artist Edvard Munch?
7. What is the largest moth found in Europe?
8. In which sport is the Stableford scoring system used?
9. In which country would you find McGill University?
10. In which decade was Woolworths Limited founded in the United Kingdom as a subsidiary of the American company F.W. Woolworth Company?

Answers part 2

1. 1990
2. Tirana
3. Robert Gordon Menzies
4. Don McLean
5. Alice Walker
6. Norwegian
7. Emperor Moth
8. Golf
9. Canada
10. 1900?s (1909)

Quiz 13

1. How long (in miles) is the River Gambia in Africa? 300
2. How many islands make up the Gulf State of Bahrain? 33
3. What is the largest of the islands of The Bahamas? Andros (1600 sq. miles)
4. In what year did Sweden become a member of the European Union? 1995 (Jan. 1st)
5. The Principality of Liechtenstein is situated on the east bank of which river? Rhine
6. How are the majority of homes heated in Iceland? By hot springs
7. What is the capital of Peru? Lima
8. Name the 'Super Hero' - 1. Clark Kent 2. Diana Prince 3. Doctor Banner 4. Peter Parker
Answers: 1. Superman 2. Wonder Woman 3. The Incredible Hulk 4. Spiderman
9. Name The 'Super Hero' part 2 - 5. Billy Batson 6. Dick Grayson 7. John Reid 8. Mark Harris
Answers: 5. Captain Marvel 6. Robin (Batman) 7. The Lone Ranger 8. The Man from Atlantis
10. Name the 'Super Hero' part 3 - 9. Kathy Kane 10. Penry Penrod, the mild mannered janitor
Answers: 9. Batwoman 10. Hong Kong Phooey

10 questions. Subject = who was the British Monarch in:
1070 ? William 1
1190 ? Richard 1
1250 ? Henry 111
1440 ? Henry V1
1630 ? Charles 1
1600 ? Elizabeth 1
1720 ? George 1
1825 ? George 1V
1620 ? James 1
1750 ? George 11

Quiz 14

1. What country has an area of approximately 3.85 million square miles, a population of 29 million and her flag is coloured red and white? Canada

2. Which author and comedian has released the novels "Time for Bed" and "Whatever Love Means"? David Baddiel

3. Which Commonwealth country had the Prime Ministers Bill McMahon, Edward Whitlam and John Frasier in the 1970s? Australia

4. What colour light is displayed from the starboard side of a ship? Green

5. Who was the leader of the USSR when Yuri Gagarin became the first man to go into space? Nikita Krushchev

6. Who played Edmund Blackadder in the BBC comedy series Blackadder? Rowan Atkinson

7. For which two films did Steven Spielberg win the Best Director Oscar? Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan

8. Which male athlete won 4 gold medals at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics for the 100 metres, 200 metres, 400 metre relay and the long jump? Carl Lewis

The International System of Units or (SI) In all there are seven SI base units:
e.g. the meter for distance,

9. for mass, the kilogram
10. for time, the second
11. for electric current, the ampere
12. for temperature, the kelvin
13. for amount of substance, the mole
14. for intensity of light, the candela

15. Who preceded Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
James Callaghan

16. Odin, a one-eyed bearded old man was the most powerful god in which mythology?

17. What is the name of the galaxy our Solar System is in?
The Milky Way

18. What country did ex-Liverpool goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar represent? Zimbabwe

19. What flag does a ship traditionally fly to indicate it is about to set sail? The Blue Peter

20. What is the capital city of Iran? Tehran

21. Which mountain range runs along the west coast of South America for over 4,000 miles? Andes

Quiz 15

1. What town was the birthplace of William Shakespeare? Stratford-upon-Avon

2. What fruit is also known as the 'Love Apple'? Tomato

3. What is the name of the Israeli Secret Service? Mossad

4. Adam West was most famous for playing which comic book character on television? Batman

5. What sport is contested between the United States and Great Britain for the Walker Cup? Golf

6. How many squares are on a chessboard? 64

7. How was Eric Hugh Blair, born in 1903, better known? George Orwell

8. Who was American president when Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon? Richard Nixon

9. Which cast member of the TV comedy show Friends also starred in the movie Scream? Courteney Cox

10. In North America, what sport is played by the New Jersey Devils and the Florida Panthers? Ice Hockey

11. What was the former name of the country Myanmar? Burma

12. Which author wrote the "Foundation" series of science fiction novels? Isaac Asimov

13. What is the name of the time machine Doctor Who travels in? TARDIS

14. How many players in total are on the field at the start of a regular game of Gaelic Football? 30 (15 each side)

15. What is Britain's largest freshwater fish? The Pike

16. What is the chemical symbol for Sodium? Na

17. How many stars are on the flag of the United States? 50

18. Which actor has played Ken Barlow on Coronation Street for over 40 years? William Roach

19. What country is completely landlocked within the Republic of South Africa? Lesotho

20. What is the first part of JRR Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy called? The Fellowship of the Ring

Quiz 16

1 Carl and the Passions changed band name to what? Beach Boys
2 How many rings on the Olympic flag? Five
3 What colour is vermilion a shade of? Red
4 King Zog ruled which country? Albania
5 What colour is Spock's blood? Green
6 Where in your body is your patella? Knee ( it's the kneecap )
7 Where can you find London bridge today? USA ( Arizona )
8 What spirit is mixed with ginger beer in a Moscow mule? Vodka
9 Who was the first man in space? Yuri Gagarin
10 What would you do with a Yashmak? Wear it - it's an Arab veil
11 Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans? Judas Escariot
12 Which mammals lay eggs? Duck billed platypus and echidna. (The animals which lay eggs are known as Oviparous: these animals are completely formed in the eggshell with no development inside the womb of the mother. Animals which lay eggs include birds, most reptiles, amphibians and fish, as well as the two monotremes (egg laying mammals) - the platypus and the echidna. Most insects and arachnids also lay eggs. Learn more about echidna's: ) Thanks to: Sylvia & Phill Bowers for their enquiry.
13 On television what was Flipper? Dolphin
14 Who's band was The Quarrymen? John Lennon
15 Which was the most successful Grand National horse? Red Rum
16 Who starred as the Six Million Dollar Man? Lee Majors
17 In the song Waltzing Matilda - What is a Jumbuck? Sheep
18 Who was Dan Dare's greatest enemy in the Eagle? Mekon
19 What is Dick Grayson better known as? Robin (Batman and Robin)
20 What was given on the fourth day of Christmas? Calling birds

Quiz 17

1 What was Skippy ( on TV )? The bush kangaroo
2 What does a funambulist do? Tightrope walker
3 What is the name of Dennis the Menace's dog? Gnasher
4 What are bactrians and dromedaries? Camels (one hump or two)
5 Who played The Fugitive? David Jansson
6 Who was the King of Swing? Benny Goodman
7 Who was the first man to fly across the channel? Louis Bleriot
8 Who starred as Rocky Balboa? Sylvester Stallone
9 In which war was the charge of the Light Brigade? Crimean
10 Who invented the television? John Logie Baird
11 Who would use a mashie niblick? Golfer
12 In the song who killed Cock Robin? Sparrow
13 What do deciduous trees do? Lose their leaves in winter
14 In golf what name is given to the No 3 wood? Nowadays it is simply called a No 3 Wood. (Back in the early part of the 20th century it was called a Spoon)
15 If you had caries who would you consult? Dentist - its tooth decay
16 What other name is Mellor's famously known by? Lady Chatterley's Lover
17 What did Jack Horner pull from his pie? Plum
18 How many feet in a fathom? Six
19 Which film had song Springtime for Hitler? The Producers
20 Name the legless fighter pilot of ww2? Douglas Bader

Quiz 18

1 What was the name of the inn, in Treasure Island? Admiral Benbow
2 What was Erich Weiss better known as? Harry Houdini
3 Who sailed in the Nina - Pinta and Santa Maria? Christopher Columbus
4 Which leader died in St Helena? Napoleon Bonaparte
5 Who wrote Gone with the Wind? Margaret Mitchell
6 What does ring a ring a roses refer to? The Black Death
7 Whose nose grew when he told a lie? Pinocchio
8 Who has won the most Oscars? Walt Disney
9 What would a Scotsman do with a spurtle? It's a wooden Scottish kitchen tool, dating from the fifteenth century, that is used to stir porridge, soups, stews and broths.
10 Which award has the words for valour on it? Victoria Cross
11 If you had pogonophobia what would you be afraid of? Beards
12 Who would take silk as part of their job? Barrister
13 Who won an Oscar for the African Queen? Bogart
14 Who sang the theme song in 9 to 5? Dolly Parton
15 What in business terms is the IMF? International Monetary Fund
16 Ringo Starr narrates which children's TV series? Thomas the tank engine
17 Which country grows the most fruit? China
18 Which company is owned by Bill Gates? Microsoft
19 What would you do with a maris piper? Eat it - it's a potato
20 In Casablanca what is the name of the nightclub? Rick's

Quiz 19 - World Cup Special

1. In 1872, two countries participated in what was the first official International Match. Which two countries were they? - England and Scotland
2. What was the name of the FIFA President who instigated the World Cup in 1928 and for whom the first trophy was named? - Jules Rimet
3. What pre World Cup tournament that used individual teams from countries and not the nation sides themselves was called 'The first World Cup' in 1914? - Sir Thomas Lipton Trophy
4. How many teams played in the very first World Cup in 1930? - 13
5 What was the qualification criterion for the World Cup in 1930? - There was none, invitation only
6 Guillermo Stabile was the top scorer in 1930 for which country? - Argentina
7 Who were the runners up in the 1934 World Cup? - Czechoslovakia
8 In 1934, Italy were the hosts of the World Cup, but what did they still have to do to play in that year’s tournament on their home turf? - Qualify!
9 Which African side were the first to represent that continent in the 1934 World Cup? - Egypt
10 France failed to do what in the 1938 finals that previous hosts of the Finals managed to do? - Win the trophy as hosts
11 Because of the Anschluss in 1938, which qualified country could not take part in the World Cup that year? - Austria
12 Which two countries applied to host the cancelled World Cup in 1942? - Germany and Brazil
13 Brazil played in what colour shirts during the World Cups up to 1950? - White
14 Who was England's captain for the very first World Cup finals that the country qualified for in 1950? - Billy Wright
15 Which country that qualified in 1950 failed to make another appearance in the World Cup Finals until 1990? - USA
16 What was different about the 1950 World Cup Final? - It was won by Uruguay, who had won the inaugural competition in 1930, clinching the cup by beating the hosts Brazil 2-1 in the deciding match of the four-team final group (this was the only tournament not decided by a one-match final). It was also the first tournament where the trophy was referred to as the Jules Rimet Cup, to mark the 25th anniversary of Jules Rimet's presidency of FIFA.
17 The USA beat England by what score in the 1950 Finals? - 1-0
18 From a media point of view, what was special about the 1954 World Cup in Switzerland? - It was the first televised
19 What was The Miracle of Bern in 1954? - It's how the West German win was described against Hungary, as they came back to win 3-2 after going 2-0 down
20 England were knocked out in 1954 4-2 by which past World Cup winner? - Uruguay
21 1958 for the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland was special. Why? - All 4 'home nations' qualified for the first and only time.
22 Which precocious 17 year old star made his debut on the world stage in 1958? - Pele
23 Israel won their group in 1958 despite not playing a game. Why? - All 3 opponents, Turkey, Indonesia and Sudan, withdrew from the competition
24 Which home nation side qualified for the knock out rounds in 1958? - Wales
25 A disaster effected Chile's preparations to host the World Cup in 1962. What was it? - An earthquake with a force of 9.5
26 How many cities were used in Chile to stage the 1962 World Cup? - Just Four
27 Where did Chile finish in the World Cup that year? - Third
28 In 1966, which country was banned from competing, until 1992, due to anti-discrimination rules? - South Africa
29 North Korea were the first what to reach the Quarter Finals in the 1966 World Cup? - The first Asian team
30 Eusebio won what accolade playing for Portugal in 1966? - Top Scorer with 9 goals
31 Which whole continent withdrew their teams after being offered just one place in the Finals? - The African Continent
32 England's Wayne Rooney was sent off in the Portugal Quarter Final game. Was his sending off in the first half, second half, or extra time? - Second half, 62nd minute
33 Wembley and which other stadium held the Semi Finals in 1966? - Goodison Park (Everton)
34 After 90 minutes in the Final, what was the score between England and West Germany? - Two all
35 Geoff Hurst scored a hat-trick for England in the Final, but who scored the other goal? - Martin Peters
36 They think it's all over was the famous commentary prior to Hurst scoring his third goal. Who said it? - Kenneth Wolstenholme
37 What injury did Franz Beckenbauer play-on with in the semi finals of the 1970 tournament? - A broken arm
38 Brazil achieved a record in 1970. What was it? - First team to win trophy 3 times
39 Which famous English referee made his World Cup debut in 1970? - Jack Taylor
40 To fit in with European TV schedules, what time did the majority of the matches (Mexico 1970) start at? - Noon

Quiz 20

1 What is a Winston Churchill? Cigar
2 Who or what lives in a formicarium? Ants
3 What type of acid is used in car batteries? Sulphuric
4 It's a flock of sheep what's a group of owls called? Parliament
5 What animal would you find in a form? Hare
6 Who in books and films was the man of bronze? Doc Savage
7 Who was Stan Laurels partner? Oliver Hardy
8 What kind of food is Cullen Skink? Fish
9 What is classified by the A B O system? Blood Groups
10 What plant does the Colorado beetle attack? Potato
11 Where did the Pied Piper play? Hamlin
12 To where in France do the sick make pilgrimages? Lourdes
13 In which city was the famous black hole? Calcutta
14 Christopher Cockerel invented what? Hovercraft
15 Ray Bolger played who in The Wizard of Oz? Scarecrow
16 Sabotage is French - What did the saboteurs use? Shoes - sabot means shoe
17 Which part of the human body contains the most gold? Toenails
18 If you had rubella what would you have caught? German Measles
19 In the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, hardest is diamond - what's the softest? Talc
20 La Giaconda is better known as what? Mona Lisa

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