Series 1 Quizzes 31 to 40 – Great for a Pub Quiz

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Series 1 - Quiz 31 - Quiz 40

Sorry, some of these questions are not numbered

Quiz 31
1. Muffuletta, Baros Luca, Croque monsieur, Veda pav, Dagwood and Shawarma are all examples of what?

2. The name of which liquid roughly translated means 'the finest' or 'the best'?

3. What are often named after ancient middle eastern kings?

4. One quarter of all the hops in the world are grown in which country?

5. What did the Celts call the drink of the gods?

6. Some cocktails are poetic. What do you get if you replace the whisky in a Rob Roy with Drambuie?

7. Who said, "no function beer well without"?

8. What is the captains reply in the song Hotel California to the wine request?

9. What is 'arachibutyrophobia'?

10. Which country consumes, per capita, the most donuts per year?

11. Which South-East Asian fruit's smell reminds people, to put it mildly, of various stages of decay ?

12. Which citrus fruit, possibly a combination of sweet lime and sour orange, grows predominantly in Italy and is used in Earl Grey tea and eau de Cologne?

13. What type of food is gravadlax?

14. Aspartame is an alternative to what when added to food?

15. In which month does Beaujolais Nouveau arrive?

16. Which powder includes Turmeric, fenugreek, chillies and cumin?

17. Which country produces more than 60% of the world's olive oil?

18. How many standard wine bottles make up a Nebuchadnezzar?

19. What fruit do you get when you cross a Raspberry with an American dewberry?

20. What is a vitamin D deficiency called? Seven letters, fifth letter is an 'E'

21. Which dish is made by curdling cream with wine, adding flavouring and frothing it up?

22. What sort of fruit is a Gravenstein?

23. What traditionally forms the covering of a haggis?

24. What type of pastry is used for profiteroles?

25. In which country did the dish Chop Suey originate?

26. In an Indian restaurant, if you were served 'aloo' which vegetable would you be eating?

27. Which liqueur is said to be made to Bonnie Prince Charlie's
secret recipe?

28. Name an aromatic spice from a variety of ginger?

29. What is the minimum age for Scotch Whisky before it can be sold in the UK?

30. What does 'Al dente' mean with reference to food?

and now the answers...

Quiz 31: ANSWERS:

1. Sandwiches.

2. Alcohol (Arabic al-kuhl).

3. Wine bottles. For example Jeroboam (3l) king of Isreal, Rehoboam (4.5 l) King of Juda, Salmanazar (9 l) king of Assyria, Nebukadnezar (15 l) king of Babylon.

4. Germany. In the Hollertau region of Bayern (Bavaria).

5. Med Met, Honey wine or honey beer.

6. A Robbie Burns.

7. Homer Simpson.

8. "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969".

9. The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

10. Canada. Canadians consume 3 times as many doughnuts per capita as Americans.

11. Durian.

12. Bergamot.

13. Fish.

14. Sugar.

15. November

16. Curry powder.

17. Spain. (Thanks to Anthony for correcting this answer)

18. 20.

19. Loganberry.

20. Rickets.

21. Syllabub.

22. Apple

23. Sheep's Stomach

24. Choux

25. The USA.

26. Potato.

27. Drambuie.

28. Cardamon.

29. 3 years.

30. Pasta that is cooked and feels firm to the teeth when bitten.

Quiz 32
1. When did the Spanish Civil War start and finish (years)?
2. Besides Marie Curie (née Sklodowska) and Pierre Curie, who else won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903?
3. What is the Malay word for "mad with rage"? Four letters.
4. In which European country did the Aster Revolution take place between the 28th and 31st of October 1918?
5. What is the name of Data's cat in Star Trek: The Next Generation?
6. Except for Russia, the Caucasus Mountains are situated in four other countries. Name them.
7. The source of the Danube river is found in which country?
8. Marlon Brando, Rod Steiger, Ian Holm, Charles Boyer and Dennis Hopper have all played which historical character in film?
9. Which famous ship sank, or rather, disappeared in the Denmark Strait on the 24th of May 1941?
10. What is the very well known Russian word for 'howler' or 'barker'?
11. Who previously held the NHL all time goal scoring record before it was broken by 'the great one' Wayne Gretzky?
12. Which country consumes one third of each years worldwide tuna fish catch?
13. Finally, after all these years, Chinese Democracy. Explain.
14. Italy has a boot and a leg. The name of which Italian city stems from the Latin word for knee?
15. The name of which part of the USA stems from a word meaning ten?
16. All of the following once worked in which kind of enclosure? Bob Hoskins, W.C. Fields, Pierce Brosnan, Harry Houdini, Roberto Benigni, Burt Lancaster and Christopher Walken
17. Unlike most healthy people, schizophrenics usually do not react to which common reflex as if it were contagious?
18. Which wind of North America shares its name with a helicopter?
19. The name for which unmistakable group of people may well stem from the Latin word for cooking?
20. What natural disaster devastated the American Midwest in August 1993?
21. Whose funeral in County Cork, attracted former fellow "hell raisers" Alex Higgins and Richard Harris?
22. Who Played Dustin Hoffmans Wife In The Film Straw Dogs?
23. What have the author of "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", the world's leading authority on stamps and Britain's greatest wood carver in common?
24. What did the films Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?, The Snake Pit and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest have in common?

1. (17th July) 1936 to (1st April) 1939.
2. (Antoine) Henri Becquerel
3. Amok
4. Hungary.
5. Spot.
6. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and a small corner of Turkey.
7. Germany
8. Napoleon
9. H.M.S. Hood
10. Laika
11. Gordie Howe
12. Japan
13. 'Chinese Democracy' is the name of the first Guns 'n Roses album in 15 years.
14. Genoa - Latin genu (knee)
15. Dixie (Dix, French for ten. Found originally on bank notes in New Orleans)
16. Circus 'circle'
17. Yawning
18. Chinook.
19. Cockney (Latin coquina).
20. Floods
21. Oliver Reed
22. Susan George
23. They are all Gibbons.
24. Insanity.

Quiz 33 Entertainment
1. Which soul singer did Whitney Houston marry in 1992?
2. Who starred in and directed "Dances With Wolves 1992"?
3. Liberty Bell was the theme song for which TV show?
4. Diana Ross had a hit single with 'Chain Reaction' - Who wrote it?
5. What nationality are the pop group A-Ha?
6. 'Galloping Home' was the signature tune to which children's TV series?
7. Which of the 'Goons' played Mr Bumble in the 1968 film 'Oliver'?
8. What year was the UK Singles Chart created?
9. Who played the title role in 'Shirley Valentine' 1989?
10. Who was fired by the BBC for making a racial comment on his morning TV show in 2004?
11. Reg Presley was the front man for which 1960's group?
12. Who lived at '1313 Mockingbird Lane?
13. Which English county is the setting for the TV series 'Wycliffe?
14. Who starred as the father in the 1991 film 'Father of the Bride?
15. Who released the double album 'Tusk' in 1979?
16. Who was the UK footballer who starred in the 2000 film 'Snatch'?
17. Who was the first presenter of the UK TV series 'Holiday'?
18. In which year was Madonna's first UK hit single?
19. What nationality is Gloria Estefan?
20. In the film 'The Hunt for Red October' what was 'Red October'?

1. Bobby Brown
2. Kevin Costner
3. Monty Python's Flying Circus
4. The Bee Gees
5. Norwegian
6. Black Beauty
7. Harry Seacombe
8. 1952
9. Pauline Collins
10. Robert Kilroy Silk
11. The Troggs
12. The Munsters
13. Cornwall
14. Steve Martin
15. Fleetwood Mac
16. Vinnie Jones
17. Cliff Michelmore
18. 1984
19. Cuban
20. A Submarine.

Quiz 34 Entertainment 2
Commonly known as 'Satchmo' and referred to as 'Pops' by his friends and colleagues - Who was he?
Can you name the baby in 'The Simpsons'
Who did John Wayne portray in the 1955 film 'The Conqueror?
Can you name the first hit single by Dire Straits?
What is Elton John's real name?
In which city is TV soap 'Hollyoaks' set?
Which group had the UK's Christmas No.1 in 1996, 1997 and 1998?
Who starred as Kate in the TV sitcom 'Kiss Me Kate'?
Who invented the television?
Who plays 'Hercule Poirot on TV?
Which 1993 hit single by Take That also featured Lulu?
Who starred as Ruth Barron in the 1999 film 'Holy Smoke'?
Name the daughter in the TV series 'Bewitched'?
They had hit albums called 'A Night at the Opera' and A Day at the Races' - Who are they?
What was the title of the 2002 James Bond film?
In which 2001 film did Ben Stiller play a male model?
Who directed the 1981 film 'Raiders of the Lost Ark?
Name the family that lived in TV's 'The Little House on the Prairie'?
Who starred on TV as detective 'McCloud' in the 70's?
Who starred as the mother in the 1988 film 'A Cry in the Dark'?
Louis (Daniel) Armstrong - Jazz singer and musician.
Gengis Khan
Sultans of Swing
Reg Dwight
The Spice Girls
Caroline Quentin
John Logie Baird
David Suchet
Relight My Fire
Kate Winslett
Die Another Day
Steven Spielberg
(The) Ingalls
Denis Weaver
Meryl Streep

Quiz 35 Bible
Answers at bottom of page.
Whose wife was turned into a pillar of Salt?
What is the alternative name for the Authorized Version of the Bible?
Who killed Goliath with a sling and a stone?
What profession did St. Luke supposedly follow?
Whose favorite son was sold into Egypt by his jealous half-brothers?
What was the source of Samson's strength?
Who was the first to meet with the risen Jesus?
Who was the Roman procurator who confirmed the sentence of death on Christ?
As a reward for which skill did Salome demand the gift of John the Baptist's head?
According to the Bible, where was Daniel imprisoned?
Which book of the Old Testament is a collection of moral and ethical maxims?
Which book of the Bible contains the story of the Great Flood?
What is the title shared by four books of the New Testament?
Who committed suicide after receiving 30 pieces of silver as a payment for betraying his master?
Who made the Golden Calf for the Hebrews to worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai?
Who was formed from the dust by God, then given the breath of life, to become the progenitor of the human race?
Who was the brother of Martha, raised from the dead by Jesus?
Which was the Canaanite town whose walls fell at the blast of Joshua's trumpets?
Where was Jesus arrested?
What are the 150 sacred poems and songs of praise said to have been written by David?
What comprise the Decalogue?
In what did the prophet Jonah spend three days and three nights?
Which two priceless resins were brought by the Magi to the infant Jesus?
What is the collective word for the writers of the four Gospels?
What were the names of Noah's three sons?
Which five books of the Old Testament make up the Pentateuch?
Which of the New Testament gospels is not synoptic?
Which biblical son of King David was caught by his hair in a tree while fleeing on a mule?
Who was the son of Jesse, father of Solomon and second king of Israel?

Quiz 35 Answers

1. Lot
2. King James Bible
3. David
4. Medicine.
5. Jacob.
6. His hair.
7. Mary Magdalene.
8. Pontius Pilate.
9. Dancing.
10. Lion's Den
12. Genesis.
13. John.
14. Judas Iscariot.
15. Aaron.
16. Adam.
17. Lazarus.
18. Jericho.
19. Garden of Gethsemane.
20. Psalms.
21. The Ten.
22. In the belly of a whale.
23. Frankincense and myrrh.
24. The Evangelists.
25. Shem; Ham; Japheth
26. Genesis; Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers; Deuteronomy
27. John's Gospel.
28. Absalom.
29. David.


Quiz 36
Questions - Answers below
1. Which serving Prime Minister survived an assassination attempt in the 1980s?

2. In which city did the SAS storm the Iranian Embassy in the 1980s?

3. MP Edwina Currie resigned in the 1980s over which farm food?

4. Which 'Ben' was disqualified from the Seoul Olympics for testing positive for drugs?

5. In which sea was the oilrig, Piper Alpha which caught fire in the 1980s?

6. Which 'Mike' became the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in the 1980s?

7. Which 'Bob' rode Aldaniti to victory in the 1981 Grand National?

8. Which US President was the subject of an assassination attempt in the 1980s?

9. In which city was Beatle, John Lennon murdered in the 1980s?

10. What occupation was Lady Diana Spencer doing when she was pictured wearing a see through skirt in the 1980s?

11. Of what is Bamboo the tallest variety in the world?

12. Which Mexican drink is made from the Agave plant?

13. Laurel leaves are poisonous. True or False?

14. The Petiole is on which part of a plant?

15. What colour is cookoo spit?

16. Which mode of transport did Christopher Cockerell invent in the 1950s?

17. 'C-Curity' was the name of the first type of what?

18. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?

19. Ruud Gullitt was the first black premiership manager - but for which club?

20. Golda Meir was the first female Prime Minister of which country?
21. Which came first, the stage show or the film version of Phantom of the Opera?

22. Which word goes before 'In the USA' and 'To run' in two Bruce Springsteen hits?

23. Which famous cricket commentator dies of a heart attack in January 1984?

24. Which 'Lou' sang the hit 'Perfect Day'?

25. In which decade was Liz Hurley born? 1950s, 1960s or 1970s?

26. For which sport did Duncan Goodhew represent Great Britain?

27. Francois Mitterand was born during which 20th century conflict?

28. Who wrote 'Under Milk Wood'?

29. What was the surname of Steve Coogan's creations Paul and Paula?

30. Who wrote the play 'Blythe Spirit'?

1) Margaret Thatcher

2) London

3) Eggs

4) Johnson

5) North

6) Tyson

7) Champion

8) Ronald Reagan

9) New York

10) Kindergarten

11) Grass

12) Tequila

13) True

14) Leaf Stalk

15) White

16) Hovercraft

17) Zip fastener

18) Neil Armstrong

19) Chelsea

20) Israel

21) Film

22) Born

23) Brian Johnson

24) Reed

25) 1960?s

26) Swimming

27) WW1

28) Dylan Thomas

29) Calf

30) Noel Coward

Quiz 37
1. Formerly the 'Abbey National' bank. What is it now?

2. Where did Coleen McLoughlin throw away her engagement ring?

3. Britain's most wanted man was captured at the weekend ? what was his name?

4. Which television show is to make history this week with it's first ever live outside broadcast?

5. Which star has recently had a boozy row, which resulted in her boyfriend being arrested?

6. Which former Leeds Rhinos star has recently signed for the Bradford Bulls?

7. Crystal Palace earned promotion to the Premiership via the play-offs last season, but what position did they finish the 1st division in?

8. Which Emmerdale star is quitting the show after 5 years - Half a mark for the character name, half a mark for the star's real name.?

9. Who finished 2nd in last weekends German Grand Prix?

10. Which acting legend is making a return to the screen 15 years after he died in real life?

11. In which US state is Detroit?

12. By what name was the 1944 Allied invasion of Normandy known?

13. From which bean is chocolate made?

14. What type of creature is a flying fox?

15. Which city is the administrative capital of Lancashire?

16. Who played the Russian submarine commander in the film The Hunt for Red October?

17. What is the largest mammal in the world?

18. How many fluid ounces are in a pint?

19. What is the Roman numeral that represents the number 500?

20. Which bacteria is responsible for typhoid and food poisoning?

21. What was the Rolling Stones first No 1 hit?

22. In the film the Devils Advocate, who starred opposite Keanu Reeves?

23. Shylock is a character from which Shakespeare play?

24. From which sit-com was Mork and Mindy a spin off?

25. What was Mickey Mouse's originally going to be called?

26. Who had the original hit with 'The Devil You Know'?

27. Which actress played the lead role in Breakfast at Tiffany's?

28. Who had a hit with 'I Got You Babe'?

29. In which James Bond film did George Lazenby play 007?

30. Who replaced David Coleman on a famous BBC quiz show?
1) Santander

2) National Trust Squirrel Sanctuary at Formby Point Nature Reserve

3) Mark Hobson

4) Top of the Pops

5) Charlotte Church

6) Iestyn Harris

7) 6th

8) Charity Tate (nee Dingle) ? Emma Atkins

9) Jenson Button

10) Laurence Olivier

11) Michigan

12) Operation Overlord

13) Cocoa

14) Bat

15) Preston

16) Sean Connery

17) Blue Whale

18) 20

19) D

20) Salmonella

21) It's All Over Now

22) Al Pacino

23) Merchant of Venice

24) Happy Days

25) Mortimer

26) Jesus Jones

27) Audrey Hepburn

28) Sonny and Cher

29) On Her Majesty's Secret Service

30) Sue Barker

Quiz 38
1. What nationality was the referee who disallowed Sol Campbell's goal in Euro 2004?

2. Which British actress provides the voice for the Fairy Godmother in the film Shrek 2?

3. What is the name of the camp in Cuba where al the Al Qaeda hostages are being held?

4. Which four countries contested the Euro 2004 semi-finals?

5. 'Tossed Salad and Scrambled Eggs' is the closing tune, to which long running comedy which has just ended after a run of 11 years?

6. Where did 'shepees' (female urinals) make a splash recently?

7. Who has recently been arrested over the alleged assault of Debbie Ash?

8. Who is currently bidding for a record 6th successive Tour de France victory?

9. Which is the only vowel on a standard keyboard, which is not on the top row?

10. By what name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento better known?

11. What is the capital city of Malaysia?

12. Which film starred Reese Witherspoon as a blonde bimbo who went to Harvard Law School?

13. There are 3 possible verdicts in Scottish Law; 'Guilty' and 'Not Guilty' are two, what is the third?

14. The Winter Palace is in which Russian City?

15. The compiler of which newspaper crossword was arrested on spying charges when his crosswords were found to contain Normandy invasion code words?

16. Chief Superintendent Spikings was the boss of which crime-fighting duo?

17. Which Rock and Roll guitarist was famous for his Duck Walk?

18. The River Colne flows through England's oldest recorded town, which town?

19. What does the letter ?B? stand for in RSPB?

20. Which TV character is famous for the catchphrase 'Yes, M'lady'?

21. Which sitcom featured the adventures of the Soloman family?

22. Which is the fastest creature on 2 legs?

23. Which alcoholic drink was advertised under the slogan 'Works Wonders'?

24. Which Staffordshire theme park features rides called Apocalypse and Storm Force Ten?

25. The Scilly Isles belong to which county?

26. Who performs the crowning ceremony at a coronation?

27. Which TV show featured the catchphrase 'Very interesting, but stupid'?

28. Which 1980s group had hits with 'I don't care' and 'I want your love'?

29. Which surname links the following chart acts, Jimmy, Paul and Faron?

30. The first letter of the answers to questions 21-29 should spell the name of an actor, but which character did this actor play in Eastenders?


1) Swiss

2) Jennifer Saunders

3) Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay

4) Greece, Portugal, Holland and Czech Republic

5) Frasier

6) Glastonbury

7) Lee Chapman

8) Lance Armstrong

9) A

10) Pele

11) Kuala Lumpar

12) Legally Blonde

13) Not Proven

14) St Petersburg

15) Telegraph

16) Dempsey and Makepeace

17) Chuck Berry

18) Colchester

19) Birds

20) Parker

21) Third Rock from the Sun

22) Ostrich

23) Double Diamond

24) Drayton Manor

25) Cornwall

26) Archbishop of Canterbury

27) Rowan and Martin's Laugh-in

28) Transvision Vamp

29) Young

30) Todd Carty - who played Mark Fowler

Quiz 39
In which US state would you find the Grand Canyon? - Arizona
What is the worlds largest bird of prey? - Condor
What is the emblem of Canada? - Maple Leaf
In 'Dallas' what was the Ewing family's ranch called? - Southfork
The novel 'Les Miserables' was written by who? - Victor Hugo
What is the capitol of Morocco? - Rabat
What is the official residence of the French president? - Elysee Palace
In which county would you find the 'Eden Project' (UK) - Cornwall
Bewick and Hooper are which type of bird? - Swans
The 'Falklands War' was fought in which year? - 1982
The vacation destinations of Pattaya and Phuket are in which country? - Thailand
In medicine, what is the study of children and their illnesses known as? - Paediatrics
What is the name of the shrub known as the butterfly bush? - Buddleia
Prince Philip was born on which Greek island? - Corfu
Can you name South Africa's national animal? - Springbok
What does EPNS stand for? - Electro plated nickel silver
Port Salut cheese has what colour rind? - Orange
Sevruga and osetrove are varieties of what? - Caviar
What is the Caribbean island of St Christopher commonly known as? - St. Kitts
Where would you find the Atacama Desert? - Chile

Quiz 40
The disease 'Pertussis' is more commonly known as what? - Whooping cough
The first 'Gulf War' took place in which year? - 1991
On the London Underground map which line is represented in light blue? - Victoria Line
Who's horse was called Marengo? - Napoleon Bonaparte
Which US nuclear reactor had a major accident in 1979? - Three Mile Island
If a dish is served 'Florentine' which vegetable will it contain? - Spinach
What is China's official language? - Mandarin
If a female rabbit is a 'Doe' what is a female ferret? - A 'Jill'
Goa was an overseas territory of which country until 1961? - Portugal
Iron pyrites is more commonly known as what? - Fools gold
What letter lies to the immediate left of the letter 'M' on a standard keyboard? - 'N'
Who starred as 'Sharpe' in the TV series of the same name? - Sean Bean
Which American president had a sign on his desk saying 'The buck stops here'? - Harry S Truman
Which French racecourse hosts the 'Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe? - Longchamps
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on which island? - Corsica
What is the US Presidents Maryland retreat called? - Camp David
A Suffolk Punch is what kind of animal? - Horse
In 1999 Richard Branson sold just under half of Virgin Atlantic shares to which other airline? - Singapore Airlines
Can you name the last King of Egypt? - King Farouk
Travelling directly east from Cape Horn where would your next landfall be? - Cape Horn

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